
Maintenance of Phaco Handpieces

Skywavemed provides professional maintenance and warranty of various brands of phaco instrument handpieces.

As a compliant medical device repair service provider, Skywavemed can provide repair services for various brands of ophthalmology phaco handpieces, including Alcon, Bausch & Lomb (B&L), Johnson & Johnson AMO(J & J), Goethe, Zeiss, ODI and so on.

We sincerely invite customers and third-party companies with such needs to come to consult and negotiate.

淮安市| 安达市| 天气| 临湘市| 绥芬河市| 宁陕县| 伽师县| 蒙自县| 栾城县| 恩施市| 定安县| 盱眙县| 翁牛特旗| 罗田县| 闽清县| 武山县| 资中县| 阳山县| 台湾省| 佛教| 咸宁市| 福海县| 临桂县| 临汾市| 隆昌县| 教育| 清徐县| 黄山市| 惠东县| 江源县| 乌鲁木齐市| 大姚县| 方山县| 商丘市| 苏尼特左旗| 胶南市| 嘉义县| 周宁县| 府谷县| 射洪县| 怀仁县|